Carnival Moments

In the past of the years the carnival has change too much. Today I am going to talk about some changes that had occurred around the world. First the carnival was influenced by Christianity, the people thought that was the process of dead and resurrection of Jesus. Now I think that is a festivity that you can enjoy without believe in a religion. In the world the people celebrate in different ways, for example in Brazil, the last year, people used to do parades with magnific clothes and the country was full of different mix of colors but is not so different in the other part of the world, because in Spain people did the same thing but with their own details. In conclusion carnival began with the influence of Christianity but now people enjoy this festivity without religions, and we can do same things around the world to have fun.


An anecdote that I can tell you is the carnival of last year. That day my uncle told me that id I want to go to the historical Center, because there was an event with spume and water. In my family anybody wanted to go, so I only went to the event. The people had a lot of spume and a thing that they threw and and it painted your whole face, the kids had so much fun with people they didn't know and that it made me very happy. I walked through the historic center with my uncle and we talked, played, danced, laughed, etc. Was one of my favorites but I finish tired and I ended so dirty.


  1. Ecuador carnival has some festivals in each city, giving the opportunity for many families to enjoy them and play carnival there.

  2. Carnival is an amazing festival, in Ecuador, it is very funny because we use Carioca, Aniline, also eggs, it is a moment that we can enjoy with our family and friends.

  3. In the city of Ambato, the carnival is also known as "La Fiesta de las Frutas y de las Flores". This is a different and special celebration since it is not played with water or spume, but rather stands out for its colors, flowers, fruits, festive parades and lots of dancing!

  4. Quito celebrates the carnival with some events, parades, gastronomy, tourism in rural parishes is activated.

  5. I see you enjoy carnival Danna, don't you? haha good job!!


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